Research awards and recognitions
I have been honored to receive a few awards to my work from the following entitites:
- Medal to Young Researchers, Royal Academy of Engineering, Spain (2023).
- Prof. Kuriki Award for Young Professionals, Electric Rocket Propulsion Society (2022).
- Consejo Social UC3M, Excellence Award (2021).
- Runner-up award in the ActĂșa-UPM competition for entrepreneurship and creation of technology-based businesses, for the business plan "VECMAN, steerable magnetic nozzle," awarded by UPM (2015).
- SENER Foundation special award to best Engineering PhD Thesis, awarded by SENER Foundation (2014).
- Outstanding PhD Thesis award, awarded by UPM (2014).
- Electric Rocket Propulsion Society (ERPS) IEPC 2011 Best Paper Award, to the paper "On electron inertia and current ambipolarity in Magnetic Nozzle models," by E. Ahedo and M. Merino, IEPC-2011-050, awarded by the ERPS (2011).
- Second National Award on Outstanding Graduation in Aerospace Engineering (Segundo Premio Extraordinario Fin de Carrera), awarded by the Ministry of Education, Spanish Government (2010).
- First Prize in the VII Pegasus-AIAA European Student Conference, awarded by the AIAA-PEGASUS association of European Aerospace Universities (2010).
- Second Prize in the IX National Archimedes Contest for Young Researchers, awarded by the Ministry of Education, Spanish Government (2010).
- Young Aerospace Engineer of the Year Award, awarded by Aerospace Testing and EUCASS (2010).
- EPS Best Poster at the ESCAMPIG XX Congress, awarded by the European Physical Society (2010).